30 Dec 2011

Lousy Practice, But Good Chai

This morning again I woke up nose blocked and frustrated. I still can’t turn my head, so Chaturanga Dandasana is awful. I went to the Shala, queued long and got the spot, which I really hate. I was on the last row, on the cold floor and there is crazy breeze around you. Plus people walk in front of you to the changing room constantly. On my left side was a girl, whose nose was totally blocked. So many people are having this strange flu, no fever, but every morning you wake up face swollen and nose blocked.

Practice was awful, too. There was no focus and body felt heavy. Too much pain everywhere to actually enjoy my practice at the moment. This neck injury is affecting my back and weak breathing doesn’t really make this better. I was so tempted to finish after half-Primary, but I just decided to go through all the way. I closed in changing room, skipped Sirsasana and some other poses. I tried to do Padmasana to calm me down, but just gave up finally. Practice is totally lost, I am beging on better next week. The problem is partly inside my head, my focus is so lost.

After practice I had a coconut and then went for a chai with Todd. Todd is in such a good mood, so he is perfect company for me. He totally got my spirits up and I walked happy back home. When practice sucks, you need good people around you. I have had so much pain during the past half an year, that I can lose my perspective on things pretty easily. People, who have been practicing for a long time and have gone through similar periods, are good to hang out with. This is one of the awesome things here, so many great people around you to keep your head straight, when you don’t have your own will-power to do that.

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